Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bad, Bad Blogger II

I was asked to teach a Museum and Galleries Practices class on campus, so this past week I became an adjunct professor! YAY for me! However, it has made me a BAD, BAD BLOGGER! I have been swamped!

Bad news... VERY late on the random drawing. AND I forgot to send a reminder out to friends and fam about the contest :(

Good news... 4,000 Hits!!! So, drawing today AND another drawing next week!

I am submitting more images to the Artisan website so there will be more options for art cards coming soon.

Now... down to business...

I went to and used their random number generator.

Grandma D! Contrats!

I'll let you know when the new images are up at Artisans and then you can choose and let me know which ones you want.

Thanks for all of your support!
